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We develop, produce and distribute solutions for high quality soldered connections

Office hours during spring/summer:

May 9th&10th 2024: EPM closed due to bank holiday 
May 20th 2024: EPM closed due to a holiday
May 30th 2024: EPM closed due to a holiday

Plant holidays: 18.07.2024 - 03.08.2024 - We will be back on August 5th 2024!


epm Duplex Option

Duplex option

This option can be built for a premium for all installations. In so doing, two soldering baths are included and ready-to-go in one machine. In less than 5 minutes, the soldering baths are displaced and the machine is ready-to-go.


Process support

In today's development environment driven by "time to market", more and more barely solderable layouts are making their way into production. In addition, inexpensive components from all over the world are often used. The result is process problems that suffer from bridge formation, outgassing, or too little filling.


EPM for 10 years in the hand of Matthias&Rebekka

On October 1st 2010 we bought epm and it has been quite a journey so far. The current year is clearly the most challenging year until now. Before Corona we dealt with financial crisis, with a very strong swiss franc or with other challenges. But each challenge made us stronger and more experienced. We are still very happy with our choice and look forward to next 10 years!!!