First soldering machine HD 327 comes out
Seit dem Frühling 2018 hat epm ihr Produktportfolio für den Schweizer Markt erweitert. Wir vertreiben lokal die Stickstoffgeneratoren von Inmatec.
Taking over disbribution of Balver Tin of Cobar soldering chemicals.
Since the fall of 2018, epm has begun distribution of the Balver Tin of Cobar product line on the Swiss market.
New website
Creation and connection of the new website.
Relaunch MiniWaver
The popular table wave soldering facility is being completely overhauled and will, at the same time, get a new control system.
Introduction of new ERP system
In early 2017, we completely switched over to our new ERP system. With this new system, we have still better control of our processes and can optimally configure our inventory management.l
Moving into the Bally building in Dottikon
In spring of this year, we moved our headquarters location to Dottikon. Dottikon is easily reached with public transportation and the freeway exit is just 7 miles away. The beautiful, homeland-protected builiding has been a shoe factory and today provides shelter for various companies under its roof.
Continued development of the SIG controls
This year, the well established and exceptionally stable SIG controls were further developed and adapted to customer needs.
Cooperation with Vitronics Soltec
Starting immediately, epm will be distributing the product line of Vitraonics Soltec in Switzerland.
Erhöhung der Fertigungstiefe
Nach dem Management Buy-Out konnte nun die geplante Fertigungstiefe innerhalb der epm erhöht werden. Ab sofort werden die Steuerung sowie die Kabelmodule inhouse assembliert.
Moving from Geroldswil to Sins
Every now and again, one of the new management's goals was to bring the showroom that, up until now, shared space with production, along with the offices and warehouse under one roof. After a long search, that became possible in Sins. The new location was dedicated gladly and successfully.
Launch of the SIG controls
Finally, the new controls could be launched and the first facilities were installed in the last quarter.
Management buy-out - Matthias Köppel and Rebekka Lienhard acquire 100% of the shares.
As has already been well known for a while in the company and among customers and suppliers, we have gladly purchased shares of stock and taken the sustainable future of epm into our own hands.
Market introduction of the Selecta High-speed TMS
In 2007, it became possible to place the first selective soldering facilities in accordance with the "hub-dive" soldering procedure.
Market introduction of the MiniWaver
The MiniWaver tabletop soldering facility will be introduced on the market.
Market introduction of the TMS series
This year, we adapted all installations to the same, specific design and thereby launched the "TMS" series.
During these years, we launched new series over and over, besides bringing the successful "RIG" and "PSM" systems to the marketplace.
1973 - 2001
Development and introduction of various wave soldering units such as, for example, the HD 327, Solder-cut-solder inline system, Cutter, CDX, etc.
Worldwide expansion of the distribution and service network.
Market introduction of CIG
Every now and then, the very first full nitrogen soldering units came from epm and were brought to market officially in 1991.
Founding of the EPM company
The company was initially founded as Elproma Holding and was responsible for the distribution of wave soldering units worldwide. The headquarters was initially in the city of Zurich. The first systems were, however, already brought to the market in 1969. The change of the company's name into EPM Handels AG occurred in the early 90's.